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Nursing Care You Can Count On
Our Nursing at Home service helps with access to specialized medical care, such as palliative and pediatric care, as well as medical needs due to acute or chronic illness, recent hospitalization, surgical recovery and more. Our Nurses are certified and experienced, supported by an expert Care Team. Services include:

To ensure the right care, Nurses are carefully selected, matching their training and experience to your specific needs. Palliative, pediatric or other specialized care plans are available from 3 to 24 hours per day.

High Quality Care
You Can Trust
Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses from Elizz provide care to loved ones in all life stages, helping with simple or complex medical needs.

Professional Care
Team & Over 110
Years of Experience
To provide the best care at home, our Caregivers are fully supported by a Care Team that includes a Care Coordinator and senior Advisers. We’re part of SE Health, a leading non-profit home care provider helping more than 20,000 Canadians every day.

Navigation, Planning & Support
Caregiving can be deeply rewarding but it’s seldom easy. Our highly experienced Care Advisors can help you with ‘all things caregiving’ – including future planning, emotional support, and access to resources.
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